This website is being decommissioned. Its content will be redistributed to the most relevant sites, including Seamap Australia, the Parks Australia website, and the eAtlas.

Share your research

© courtesy Asher Flatt

Our marine parks are exciting, dynamic places that protect spectacular marine life and important habitats. Situated offshore, often beyond sight of land, these parks are relatively undisturbed and unexplored, making them a fantastic place to undertake cutting edge science and make new discoveries.

Do you want to do research in Australian marine parks?

We encourage research in our marine parks that improves understanding of marine systems, habitats, ecosystems and values. Many Australian Marine Parks are largely unexplored, so there are lots of opportunities to make new discoveries. Research is allowed in all Australian Marine Parks with a permit and researchers are asked to share the results of their research. The Parks Australia Science Direction Statement outlines the our priority areas of research.

Tell your science story

Have you done research in or near an Australian Marine Park? Perhaps you know of a project coming up?

If so, we would love to collaborate!

Feature your work on the Australian Marine Parks Science Atlas and help build understanding of our marine parks and inspire others.

Contributing is easy! Simply download and complete our article template and then get in touch with the Science Atlas team at