Conceptual model of the Bremer ecosystem

© courtesy Adapted from Meeuwig et al. 2016
Meeuwig, J., Turner, J. and Bouchet, P. (2016) Bremer Canyon Science Workshop Report. NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub Emerging Priorities Project.
Photo credits: Ecotourism (; Vessel traffic (NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries); Fishing (Audun Rikardsen); Underwater noise (Menze et al. 2017. Royal Society Open Science 4(1): art160370); Global change (NASA); Killer whales (Rebecca Wellard, Curtin University & Project ORCA); Aggregation (Center for Whale Research); Toothed whales (Wellard et al. 2016. PLoS ONE, 11(12): e0166670); Large pelagics (Chris Fallows); Medium pelagics (National Geographic); Small pelagics (National Geographic Pristine Seas); Mesopelagics (Christiansen et al. 2016); Demersals (John Turnbull); Squid (Marine Futures Lab, University of Western Australia); Diving seabirds (Steve Ward); Surface seabirds (Keith Lightbody); Baleen whales (Tourism Western Australia); Krill (National Geographic); Zooplankton: (National Geographic); Phytoplankton (Richard Kirby); Jellyfish/salps (National Geographic); Fisheries (ALAMY); Invertebrates (UnderSea Hunter Group); Bacterial loop (Julie Huber, NOAA); Trichodesmium (Eric Webb); Retention (Kendra Negrey, University of California Santa Cruz); Geomorphology (Geoscience Australia); Eddy-driven upwelling (NOAA); Currents/winds (NASA); SST/light (Ocean Cleanup Project); Natural seeps (MacDonald Lab, Florida State University)
Conceptual model of the Bremer ecosystem developed by marine experts as part of the NESP EP2 Project. Arrows represent interactions such as predator-prey relationships, behavioural responses, or human impacts, and are defined based on the best available scientific knowledge.
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